This is a full-width slider which will automatically switch into responsive mode if you reduce your browser size under 940px.
These text sublayers are positioned into a centered, 900px wide, but responsive container.
With this feature you can create full-width sliders with content aligned to your page.
To position a sublayer into the absolute center, add 50% to the left and top fields.
You can easily create complex layouts in a few minutes. Just one click of the mouse to add columns, elements, blocks and tabs.
The theme includes .po and .mo files that enables you to translate your theme into your native language using POedit program.
Crumina Slider, LayerSlider and Revolution slider allow you to create stunning slides with tons of options that make your site look cool!
You can create multiple drop-down mega menus and use different styles for each menu to make the navigation fit your site design.